So I was talking with my Spaghetti friend and my bud's mother the other day. We were discussing arranged weddings and cultural pressures to marry certain people. It is pretty freaking amazing how dumb this stuff is.
Like I can't imagine meeting my bride for the first time on my wedding day. Imagine being wed to a complete selfish bitch and being stuck with her for the rest of your life. No wonder this world is such a violent place. If you had to go home every night to a complete stranger, who you hated and they hated you, wouldn't you want to go shoot up the establishment? I would.
But thats not even the worst side to it. I think whats worse then being married to a complete stranger (*note: "Married to a Complete Stranger" would make a excellent TV show idea*) is not being able to marry someone who you want to. Like after all these years of bad dating and wasting time you find the perfect girl but she can't spend the rest of her life with you because her religion or ethnicity. Like give me a freaking break, thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Is religion suppose to spread happiness, joy and love or prevent it?
So while I'm walking home that night, I'm thinking about what that must feel like to have someone who you want to marry and they want to marry but you can't. It was then I realized that this happens all the time to homosexuals. Their side of the argument Is there two people who love each other and want to spend forever with each other but are not allowed, so it's that same feeling. I started thinking why there not allowed and how its a religious reason. So I began thinking from the view of the church. And the first think that came into my mind was The Rock and Roll hall of fame.
Like the church, the Rock and Roll Hall of fame has been around a while and was founded with the purpose of preserving a certain set of beliefs to ensure they were not lost in time. The Rock and Roll hall of fame was set out to protect blues based rock from being lost in mix of new music and forgotten. While the church was founded to protect morals and beliefs from being corrupted. Both also enjoy making money(what? I just compared the rock and roll hall of fame to the house of god, I'm already going to hell for that alone).
Now recently the rock and roll hall of fame had been a interest of mine because of one lady, Madonna. Madonna has been recently induced into the Rock and Roll hall of fame. Upsetting every blue rock fan out there. Just like gay marriage being allowed by the church. So it's basically the exact same thing.
So the question is, Should Madonna be allowed in the rock and roll hall of fame, despite never playing that sort of music? And shouldHomosexuals and Lesbian's be allowed to get married? Both go against the original plan but what is better, Evolving with the changing times or staying to true to the original plan?
I certainly do not know.
the fat flamingo
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Marriage, Rock and Gays
Friday, May 30, 2008
Political Cartoon #3
This particular cartoon was inspired by a BBC News story about a recently discovered Amazonian tribe in Brazil. They were discovered by planes that flew overhead while scouting a forest they were cutting down. Click Here for the Story
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Religion Wars - part one
So I've realized I'm basically as religious as a piece of burnt toast. It's not that I don't want to or I don't see myself being a more spiritual person, it's just that I have sort of left that part of me behind while further developing other characteristics and traits. Seeing as I have nothing better to do these days I think it is time I pick a set of beliefs or see which one matches my own and stick with it a while and see how it goes.
So first off, what exactly is a religion -
"A religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law." - Wikipedia (i.e. my current religion)
So thats what a religion is. So in order to compare different religions to each other I am going to set aside some categories based on what a religion is.
Categories are as follows
- Beliefs - What do they belief in? Is it sweet, lame, stupid etc.
- Religious Law - The rules, they decent and fair or just foolish
- Practices/ Traditions - What does this religion do once your in it
- The Cosmos/ Claims- views on the universe and how it began
- Mythology -the nuts stuff
- Judaism
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Christianity
Stay tuned as we begin round 1 for the title of Best Religion.
the fat flamingo
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Free Music Watch - Airbag
I've been thinking about what really makes a blog sweet. And I decided what would be really cool if I posted free songs, albums and music I find drifting around the internet.
When it comes quality tracks for free there is no independent band out there that compares to Airbag.
Simply a great fusion of Pink Floyd, Radiohead and Coldplay style rock. The album does a great job creating a atmosphere and mood that remains beginning to end much like a concept album or rock opera. The dark feel of the album with the 70's rock guitar of Pink Floyd, the vocal styling of Radiohead and Coldplay this free album is surely worth the listen and I highly recommend it for fans of those 3 bands. The album is free to download but a physical copy of it may be purchased.
Click Here to Check it Out and learn more about Airbag
the fat flamingo
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Women and their troubles
There are 6 billion people on this planet. About half of those are women. Not great women, nice women, generous women, or happy women. These women seem like they are sent from hell itself to do nothing but waste space. You know what type of women I am talking about.
Why are women like this? Who is to blame? I will tell you who, the Media. Thats right that damn MTV channel you pay an extra $15 a month for has screwed over the minds and wills of women everywhere. It teaches them that partying every night, wearing slutty outfits, sleeping around with dozens of guys, and doing cocaine hits in the back of a taxi cab, is what will make you desired by men and accepted by your peers.
I am at a loss of words when it comes to how completely wrong this view is. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears and Jessica Simpson are not good role models, they have NO REAL problems, and in no way should you aim to be more like them. You should not buy their albums, watch their movies, wear their clothes or buy their perfume. Don't sell out who you are to try and fit in. People who require you to have those things are not your true friends anyway.
Guy do not like...
- girls who are too skinny
- get drunk every night
- sleep with the first guy you see on the dance floor taking a interest in you
- dress like a slut
- wear outfits that cost a months salary
- drive their dads BMW blasting 50 cent as if you, yourself earned that car
- girls who simply do not THINK
- girls who are sure they are the center of the universe because they shop at Chanel
So seriously, all you women out there need to grow up and realize there is shit going on in the world around you and the fact that your shoes do not match your purse does not mean your parents hate you and god is out to get you. YOUR TROUBLES ARE NOT THAT HUGE!!!!
- brett
the fat flamingo
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wasting Time
Wasting Time is considered to be an option by many. This is of course is not true, as there is no such thing as wasting time if you can justify the means. This has never been more important than when it comes to building a At-At replica out of paper. To debate how this being a waste of time would be a waste of time in itself. What would be sweeter then having a At-At made out of paper sitting on your computer monitor? Nothing you say?!? I say 2 of them!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Quest of Self Improvment
So im sitting at a Tim Hortons with my friends launching insults across the table as we normally do seeing who can out smart the other one with their string of mother insults and tom foolery. It was at this moment I realized what had become of our sense of humor and conversations. So in a effort to better myself I decided I would see how long I could last by not insulting my friends. This includes the phrases "fag", "noob", "idiot", "super noob", "lame tard", "chain chomp" and "Waters".
My friends thought this was such a good idea they decided to add to it. The time length for the challenge is 1 month. If I break before then I will simply receive a swift kick to my happy sack from the largest and most built member of the group (i.e. chris bone). If I am successful I will receive a free meal.
To monitor how much time remains in the challenge a count down clock has been added to the blog know as the "Insult Countdown". I will keep you post on my status in the challenge.
the fat flamingo
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Top 4 Assholes in Rock
Well theres certain musicians that we love for their music but thats simply were it ends (or doesn't even start) This is a list of my top 4 jerks in rock. It is completely based on my views and no real statistics. I will be picking these top 4 artists based on things they have said or done and if they apologized it still counts as a strike against them. So don't send me emails about how they said they were sorry cause I do not care.
4 - Brandon Flowers of The KillersIn my fourth position is Brandon Flowers of The Killers. I am in no way a fan of the Killers but the music had no influence on my decision to place him at number 4. Mr. Flowers is known for initiating feuds between The Killers and other bands, such as The Bravery, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. Now I care not for these bands and I am not defending them. Regarding his comments towards Panic! at the Disco Mr. Flowers said "I don't even know what their music's like, or if I would even like it...That made me feel even worse, to think they could have been fans of ours and I hurt their feelings. That's just stupid." Flowers has also criticized Green Day for what he sees as their calculated anti-Americanism. Specifically, Mr.Flowers found a video of Green Day performing the song 'American Idiot' in the UK distasteful. For his ability to start fights with other groups as well as having a ego bigger then his album sales, Brandon Flowers is my #4 asshole is rock.
3 - Roger Waters of Pink Floyd
In my third position is Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. Please note Pink Floyd is my favorite band but this only makes me more aware of his actions. The troubles begin when the group hit success with their album The Dark Side of the Moon. Not only does he take credit as the "creative genius" behind the album but he started to take control over the band after this album in a fascist like manner. Mr.Waters slowly broke the band apart from the inside with his poor leadership tactics. The real trouble began while touring Animals when Mr.Waters lost it at a show in Montreal. An audience member set off a firecracker near to the stage. Mr.Water s stopped singing and shouted out, "Oh, for fuck's sake. Stop letting off fireworks and shouting and screaming! I'm trying to sing a song." He then continued with the song, but things went downhill from there, and during "Pigs (Three Different Ones)", Waters watched incredulously as one fan climbed the netting that separated the audience from the band and in disgust, Waters spat in his admirer's face. Things continued to worsen, while recording The Wall that Waters decided to fire Wright, after Wright's personal problems began to affect the album production. After the Wall, The Final Cut was released. The sleeve notes describe it as being a piece "by Roger Waters" that was "performed by Pink Floyd" (rather than an actual Pink Floyd record). David Gilmour purposely tried to delay the release of the album as to get some of his work on the album but Waters refused. It was the lowest selling Pink Floyd studio album in the US since Meddle which was released in 1971. Waters dominated the recording sessions which lead to the band breaking up. Waters continues to act this way to this very day. For becoming the very fascist you complained about and sharing your spit with fans faces as well as ruining the greatest band ever, I put Roger Waters as the #3 biggest asshole in rock.
2 - Noel Gallagher of OasisIn my second position is Noel Gallagher of Oasis. Mr.Gallagher is known for being controversial and his outspoken statements in the press. In a 1995 interview he expressed a wish for Damon Albarn and Alex James of rivals Blur to "catch AIDS and die". I would also like to note Mr. Gallagher's hate towards artist Phil Collins. Mr. Gallagher said such things as "People fucking hate cunts like Phil Collins, and if they don't — they fucking should" and "Why did he sell so many records in the '80s? I mean, fucking hell", as well as "Phil Collins sells a lot of records but he makes shit albums." Also "Vote Labour. If you don't and the Tories get in, Phil is threatening to come back from Switzerland and live here — and none of us want that." He also referred to Collins as "the anti-Christ". Mr.Gallagher has not been shy about slating his idols either. When the Bealtes George Harrison accused Oasis of being little more than a "passing" fad, Gallagher replied "George was always the quiet Beatle, maybe he should keep that up." Gallagher also criticised Green Day for plagiarising the hit "Wonderwall" in the song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". He stated, "If you listen, you'll find it is exactly the same arrangement as 'Wonderwall'. When asked about his own habit of "nicking riffs" from other groups, Gallagher replied, "Yeah, but not whole songs! They should have the decency to wait until I am dead. I at least pay the people I steal from that courtesy". In 2007, Gallagher accused contemporary Thom York of Radiohead of boring fans saying "Thom Yorke sat at a piano singing, This is fucked up, for half an hour. We all know that, Mr Yorke... Who wants to sing the news? No matter how much you sit their twiddling, going, 'We're all doomed,' at the end of the day people will always want to hear you play Creep. Get over it. I never went to fucking university. I don't know what a paint brush is; I never went to art school." Yorke responded by simply saying his education had taught him "to respect other artists." (zing) Commentators observed that this is something which Gallagher has a tendency to fail to do. For so many reasons Noel Gallagher is my #2 top asshole in rock.
1 - Axel Rose of Guns n Roses
Here we are, my #1 Asshole in Rock is Axel Rose of Guns n Roses (big surprise). Well this article has already gone way longer then I wanted so lets make Axel's nice and short much like his personality. In 1988, Guns N' Roses released the EP G'N'R Lies. The album had strong sales, there was public outrage over the lyrics of the song "One in a Million", which included references to "niggers" and "faggots". Axel often shows up for his own shows late, sometimes hours late. In 1991, during the 28-month-long Use Your Illusion Tour, Rose jumped off stage during a concert in St.Lousi to take a video camera away from a fan (ironically caught on camera, click here to watch). The concert was aborted as Rose and the other band members left the stage, sparking an intense riot. Rose was blamed for the melee, and was charged with four counts of misdemeanor assault and one charge of property damage, for which he was arrested in 1992. During a show on 1992 in Montreal during a summer concert co-headlining tour with Metallica, James Hetfield lead singer of Metallica was burned in a pyrotechnics accident, which cut short the previous set. This meant Guns N' Roses needed to take to the stage early, however, Rose, already late for the band's appearance, walked off stage and left the stadium after playing 9 songs, claiming he had problems with his voice and deciding to cancel the band's set. Before "Double Talkin' Jive", Rose said this will be “our last show for a long time”, and at the end of "Civil War", their last song, Rose said “F*ck you” and went off the stage after less than 5 songs. This led to another riot which authorities were barely able to bring under control. All this plus kicking out all your band members makes you, Axel Rose the #1 asshole in rock.
the fat flamingo
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
MKULTRA - Mindcontrol in Canada
This here is a interesting story. Seriously you will trip balls at least once if not more. Its actually worth reading all of it.
A brief history of LSD
I came across this story while conducting research on the drug LSD-25 better know as "Acid". LSD is a psychedelic drug that was created by Swiss scientist Albert Hoffman in 1938 while investigating a substance that would promote abortions in pregnant women. Five years later he would deiced to investigate the substance further, acting on what he has called a "peculiar presentiment". It would be this second time working with the substance that Alberta Hoffman would unlock the substances psychedelic properties. The substance would be high jacked by youth culture in the 50's and 60's for its ability to create spiritual hallucinations, though the substance was originally intended for psychological practices and therapy.
So what is MKULTRA ?
Now this is where the story of LSD use becomes interesting and frighting. Project MK-ULTRA or MKULTRA was the code name for a CIA mind control and chemical interrogation research program. (this is fact) The CIA had feared that the Soviet Union had gained the ability to do mind control and interrogate the CIA's most valuable agents. Terrified by this they quickly began looking for their own method of mind control and interrogation as well as a way to protect their own agents in the field. Research would take place in the United States but the experiments were exported north to Canada.
It would be the CIA's interest in Scottish physician Donald Ewen Cameron that would bring the experiments to Canada. Donald E. Cameron had developed a theory know as "Psychic driving".
Psychic Driving is the idea that through the use of shock therapy and psychedelic drugs (i.e. LSD) you can achieve the ability to control one's mind. No joke. These experiments were conducted in Canada by Donald E. Cameron at McGill University. The goal of the project was to develop "techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything". Test patiences varied from Doctors and Military Personnel to Prostitutes and the Mentally ill. Patiences were selected and tested on often against their will. Sometimes being abducted off the streets by CIA agents not to return for days, and in some cases over 70 days. One of the more famous patiences was Ken Kesey. This test subject would go on to write about his experience in the famous novel and extremely successful film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".
Experiments included giving patiences extremely large does of LSD, Heroin, Radiation, and electro shock therapy (around 40 times the recommended amount). The would remain in a drugged state coma for days and often weeks. Subjects were also isolated and forced to listen to loop tapes of the same happy children songs over and over, for days and days deprived of sleep. On the flip side some were forced to listen hate messages over and over for days and days deprived of sleep. *Note: to get a better understanding of the conditions I recommend this video which is a victim testifying in court *
Patients were abused to the point of not being able to recall years of their own life, as if they never happened. Sometimes they could simply remember nothing. When a patiences mind had been completely erased an attempt was made to re-write their memory with CIA training tapes and fake memories in the attempt of being able to create the ultimate spy.
These experiments resulted in insanity, death, suicide, memory loss, and much more. In the end MKULTRA ended up being a precursor Operation Paperclip, which was a program to recruit former Nazi spies, scientists and experts in torture and brain washing. Some of which had be identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the famous Nuremberg Trials.
Little is know about all that happened under the project name MKULTRA. Investigation on the project has been difficult due to the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms had all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973.
Since the end of the project, the CIA has insisted that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned. No one can prove that is for sure.
the fat flamingo
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Beginning of the blog
Alright everyone, this is the first post of my blog . Its gonna be sick. I got a lot of sweet things to say and tell so it is important to check back often mmmmmmmk??
I would like to start with some shout outs to Cam and Laura for being sweet and Austin for being a big noob.
In other news Ozzfest is happening this year with Metallica but for only 1 performance which is scheduled for August 9 at Pizza Hut Park in Dallas. Thats Metallica giving back to their fans alright, as if St.Anger wasn't enough....
In other music news Nine Inch Nails, yes Nine Inch Nails that one band of today that doesnt suck has released a new album called The Slip, available for free from the NIN website. Seems like a bold move by a band to release a brand new album entirely for free, but in case you do not know the last NIN album, Ghosts I-IV brought in $1.6 million in revenue its first week. All done through the net with no record label leaving 100% of that money in the bands pocket. This raises serious questions about the current status of the music industry and the purpose of record labels in general. b.t.w. the album is good stuff
You guys hear about that Earthquake in China? kinda a big story. Just a ton of people dead and everything. The bigger story is the conspiracies to come out of the story. Many claim that the Chinese government knew of what was to come but chose to ignored it. Apparently 1,000,000 butterflies were reported to have fled the area most impacted 1 week before the Earthquake hit. 1000's of toads were also reported to have got up and left the area before the quake. Locals reported their animals being uneasy and out of control but when they reported it to the authorities there concerns were merely brushed off.
Thats all for now, its a happened place this world so I will probs be back soon.
the fat flamingo