Friday, May 16, 2008

MKULTRA - Mindcontrol in Canada

This here is a interesting story. Seriously you will trip balls at least once if not more. Its actually worth reading all of it.

A brief history of LSD
I came across this story while conducting research on the drug LSD-25 better know as "Acid". LSD is a psychedelic drug that was created by Swiss scientist Albert Hoffman in 1938 while investigating a substance that would promote abortions in pregnant women. Five years later he would deiced to investigate the substance further, acting on what he has called a "peculiar presentiment". It would be this second time working with the substance that Alberta Hoffman would unlock the substances psychedelic properties. The substance would be high jacked by youth culture in the 50's and 60's for its ability to create spiritual hallucinations, though the substance was originally intended for psychological practices and therapy.

So what is MKULTRA ?
Now this is where the story of LSD use becomes interesting and frighting. Project MK-ULTRA or MKULTRA was the code name for a CIA mind control and chemical interrogation research program. (this is fact) The CIA had feared that the Soviet Union had gained the ability to do mind control and interrogate the CIA's most valuable agents. Terrified by this they quickly began looking for their own method of mind control and interrogation as well as a way to protect their own agents in the field. Research would take place in the United States but the experiments were exported north to Canada.

It would be the CIA's interest in Scottish physician Donald Ewen Cameron that would bring the experiments to Canada. Donald E. Cameron had developed a theory know as "Psychic driving".

Psychic Driving is the idea that through the use of shock therapy and psychedelic drugs (i.e. LSD) you can achieve the ability to control one's mind. No joke. These experiments were conducted in Canada by Donald E. Cameron at McGill University. The goal of the project was to develop "techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything". Test patiences varied from Doctors and Military Personnel to Prostitutes and the Mentally ill. Patiences were selected and tested on often against their will. Sometimes being abducted off the streets by CIA agents not to return for days, and in some cases over 70 days. One of the more famous patiences was Ken Kesey. This test subject would go on to write about his experience in the famous novel and extremely successful film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

Experiments included giving patiences extremely large does of LSD, Heroin, Radiation, and electro shock therapy (around 40 times the recommended amount). The would remain in a drugged state coma for days and often weeks. Subjects were also isolated and forced to listen to loop tapes of the same happy children songs over and over, for days and days deprived of sleep. On the flip side some were forced to listen hate messages over and over for days and days deprived of sleep. *Note: to get a better understanding of the conditions I recommend this video which is a victim testifying in court *

Patients were abused to the point of not being able to recall years of their own life, as if they never happened. Sometimes they could simply remember nothing. When a patiences mind had been completely erased an attempt was made to re-write their memory with CIA training tapes and fake memories in the attempt of being able to create the ultimate spy.

These experiments resulted in insanity, death, suicide, memory loss, and much more. In the end MKULTRA ended up being a precursor Operation Paperclip, which was a program to recruit former Nazi spies, scientists and experts in torture and brain washing. Some of which had be identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the famous Nuremberg Trials.

Little is know about all that happened under the project name MKULTRA. Investigation on the project has been difficult due to the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms had all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973.

Since the end of the project, the CIA has insisted that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned. No one can prove that is for sure.

the fat flamingo

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