There is no doubt that great music like literature enhances one's life. There is nothing I enjoy more then sitting back and listening to a great album and being so inspired when it's done that I must attempt to write my own timeless masterpiece. This feeling is most present after listening to any of the following albums. All different genre's and style but all equally great. This is my Top 5 albums of All Time for me (so far).
5. Nevermind- Nirvana It was at a grade 8 dance when I first heard the anthem of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and it would be track to re-spark my interest music. Nevermind was the first album I listened to that I enjoyed every track on, breaking apart my previous belief that every album has only 1 good song on it. It was also for me the first album that I heard that demonstrated mood shifting from track to track. The album really sent across the raw emotion of the artists and their music rather then the sense that it was written with the goal of selling albums and having bubble gum #1 hits.
4. Bat Out of Hell - Meat Loaf
This album is truly something to behold. Much Like Nirvana's Nevermind album Bat Out of Hell is a album that just keeps on giving. Every track better then the last keeping the listener excited and on the edge of their seat thinking there is no way the next track can out do this one. And of course always surprised when it does. We can hear more complex musical parts and structure on this album compared to Nevermind which simply pushes this album ahead. The vocals are sung with such heart and soul all the way through the album, you really have to give it a second listen to realize it. This album is just such an enjoyable experience to listen to and it doesn't matter what mood your in, it always hits the spot.
3. IV - Led ZeppelinBeing a rock fan, Its impossible to not have a Led Zeppelin album on the list. I know what your thinking, "ah yes, Stairway to Heaven thats why its on the list". Not true, it is a incredible song but the entire album is filled with them. Being a guitar player that is what gave this album it's boost. Simply solid, flawless guitar work. Catchy riffs, rocking solo's and delicate acoustic work makes it easy for the listener to get pulled into this album. Musically the album is just flawless, every member of the band the best at what their at and at the peak of their career you can't get anything less then gold.
p.s. for the record When the Levee Breaks is my favorite track on the album
2. London Calling - the Clash
The first time I listened to this album I was not impressed. Only later to realize I was just not ready. Looking at my previous picks such as Bat Out of Hell and Led Zeppelin IV, I had demanded such perfection in my albums when It came to vocals, guitars, drums, piano etc. That I had lost the ability to listen to more then just each individuals ability to perform and their skill level at their own music instrument. London Calling changed that for me. It was this album I learned to appreciate the experimentation and raw energy I loved in Nevermind. It also taught me to start listening to chemistry between band members and listen to the final product more then following a riff for 3 minutes. The album covers and creates so many genre's it almost feels like a compilation album yet you would miss any of the 19 tracks. No two songs sounding anything alike. The album is a very unique musical journey that simply is just not like other albums.

honorable mentions
Ok Computer - Radiohead
In the Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
Rush of Blood to the head - Coldplay
2112 - Rush
the fat flamingo